
SEARCHING RESULTS: Eurasian Physical Technical Journal

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Eurasian Physical Technical Journal

0 645

Eurasian Physical Technical Journal [Text] ; E. A. Buketov Karaganda University ; [Chief Editor S. E. Sakipova ; Editorial Board: A. K. Aringazin [et al.]]. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2022. - – 1 time per month. – ISSN 1811-1165 (Print)., – ISSN 2413-2179 (Online). Vol. 19.

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Астана)

Eurasian Physical Technical Journal

0 618

Eurasian Physical Technical Journal [Text] ; E. A. Buketov Karaganda University ; [Chief Editor S. E. Sakipova ; Editorial Board: A. K. Aringazin [et al.]]. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2022. - – 1 time per month. – ISSN 1811-1165 (Print)., – ISSN 2413-2179 (Online). Vol. 19.

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Астана)

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 2025

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; project manager, rector E. K. Kubeev; editor in Chief S. E. Sakipova; consult. of transl. S. B. Yakhina; Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2017. - .– 300 с.., – Quarterly journal. – 1811-1165., – 2413-2179. 2017, № 1(27), Volume 14. - 300 с.,

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 1889

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; project manager, rector A. T. Yedrissov; editor in Chief S. E. Sakipova; consult. of transl. S. B. Yakhina; technical editors: K. E. Akhmerova, Z. T. Kambarova; Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov. – Karagandа : [s. n.], 2019. - .– 300 с.., – Quarterly journal. – 1811-1165., – 2413-2179. 2019, №1(31), Volume 16. - 300 с.,

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 1924

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; Chief editor S. E. Sakipova; edit. board: A. K. Aringazin [et. al.]: technical editors: Z. T. Kambarova, K. E. Akhmerova; Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2019. - .– 300 c.., – Quarterly journal. – 1811-1165., – 2413-2179. 2019, №2(32), Volume 16. - 300 c.,

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 1946

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; project manager, rector E. K. Kubeev; editor in Chief S. E. Sakipova; consult. of transl. S. B. Yakhina; technical editors: Z. T. Kambarova, K. E. Akhmerova; Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2018. - .– 300 c.., – Quarterly journal. – 1811-1165., – 2413-2179. 2018, №2(30), Volume 15. - 300 c.,

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 2227

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; editor E. K. Kubeev; consult. of transl. K. E. Akhmerova [et. al.]; The international higher education academy of sciences; Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov: Institute of technical physics and problems of ecology. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2011. - – Quarterly journal. – 1811-1165. 2011, №1(15), Volume 8.

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 2470

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; editor E. K. Kubeev; consult. of transl. K. E. Akhmerova [et.al.]; The international higher education academy of sciences; Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov; Institute of technical physics and problems of ecology. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2011. - – Quarterly journal. – 1811-1165. 2011, №2(16), Volume 8.

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 2238

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; editor E. K. Kubeev; consult. of transl. K. E. Akhmerova [et.al.]; The international higher education academy of sciences; Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov; Institute of technical physics and problems of ecology. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2012. - – Guartelry journal. – 1811-1165. 2012, №1(17), Volume 9.

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Eurasian physical technical journal

0 2096

Eurasian physical technical journal [Text] ; project manager, rector E. K. Kubeev; editor in Chief S. E. Sakipova; consult. of transl. S. B. Yakhina, K. E. Akhmerova; technical secretaries: Z. T. Kambarova ; The international higher education academy of sciences; Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov; Institute of technical physics and problems of ecology. – Karaganda : [s. n.], 2012. - – Guarterly journal. – 1811-1165. 2012, №2(18), Volume 9.

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)



Karaganda state university named after E. A. Buketov

Edition type