Treasures from the Ustyurt and Manqystau [Text] / Z. Samashev Amanshayev E., Kosherbayev K., Astafjev A. ; Min. of Edu. and Sci. of the Rep. of Kaz. ; Aktau State Univ. named after S. Esenov... – Almaty : Archaeology, 2007. - 406 p., il.; . – Bibiliogr.: p. 400-403 . – [n. c.] – 9965-21-527-8
Archeology, ethnography and cultural history of West Kazakhstan
The book contains mainly archaeological, ethnographical and architectural data, which feature high level and regional specific character of the Manqystau and Ustyurt culture complex
Ә.Х. Марғұлан атындағы Археология институты