
Іздеу нәтижелері

Stalinism in Kazakhstan

0 22

Stalinism in Kazakhstan [Text] : History, Memory, and Representation / ; Edited by Zhulduzbek Abylkhozhin, Mikhail Akulov, and Alexandra Tsay Translated by Simon Pawley and Anton Platonov... – Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Lexington Books, 2021. - 202 p. . – Bibliogr.: p. 196-198 . – [n. c.]

Тақырыптық айдарлар

История Казахстана. 1930-1940 гг.


The collection consists of three sections: "History", "Memory", "Art", and refers to the history of Stalinism: the collectivization of agriculture, industrialization, forced deportations, mass repressions and the organization of the forced labor camp system, to the collective memory of that period and to an attempt to overcome the collective historical trauma through the tools of art




Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық академиялық кітапханасы (Астана қ.)