
Іздеу нәтижелері

A Catalogue of Arabic-Script Documents from the Samarqand Museum

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A Catalogue of Arabic-Script Documents from the Samarqand Museum [Text] / Th. Welsford N. Tashev ; with the assistance of M. Ismoilov, H. Aminov ; under the direction of J. Paul, Sh. Mustafayev, B. Abdukhalimov ... – Samarqand : International Institute for Central Asian Studies, 2012. - 687 p., facsimile copies; . – Bibliogr.: p. 661-667. - Indices: p. 531-639 . – 500 cop. – ISBN 978-9943-11-085-4

Тақырыптық айдарлар

Arabic scripts


This volume is a catalog of 748 handwritten documents, represents the results of a joint project. The catalog was prepared in addition to the online digital archive of photographed images of documents. This introduction summarizes the principles of how to most easily use the resources contained therein



Welsford, Th.


Халықаралық Орталық Азия зерттеулер институты