
Іздеу нәтижелері

The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th-15th Centuries

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The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th-15th Centuries [Text] , A. Arapov , B. Glaudinov , B. Amanbaeva , M. Glaudinova , J. Giyasi ; [aut.: B. Glaudinov [et all.]] ; [project Manager Sh. Mustafayev ; Academic Editorial Board: K. Baypakov, Sh. Pidaev, A. Khakimov ; In charge of the publication: M. Mamedov, R. Muradov ; Translation into English: A. Ulko] .- Samarkand ; Tashkent : IICAS , 2013.– 250 cop. . – ISBN 978-9943-357-13-6 (IICAS) Bibliogr.: p. 265-279 Vol. 4 . Architecture– 279 p., ill. .

Тақырыптық айдарлар

Archeology of Central Asia


The objective of the project is to systematise the academic knowledge and data related to a wide range of items of the material and artistic culture of the 9th–15th centuries, including ceramics, architecture, glass making, toreutics and other forms of applied arts. The publication is aimed at specialists as well as at the general public interested in the culture of the East



Glaudinov, Glaudinova, Amanbaeva, Arapov, Giyasi, B., M., B., A., J.


Халықаралық Орталық Азия зерттеулер институты