
Izdeý nátıjelerі

Scientific principles of graphic training in e-learning conditions

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Scientific principles of graphic training in e-learning conditions [Text] : monograph / Y. Nabi ; Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Kazakh Innovative humanitarian juridical university... – Nur-Sultan : [s. n.], 2019. - 94 p., il.; . . – 500 cop. – 978-601-326-373-1 : 40 tg.

Taqyryptyq aıdarlar

Scientific principles of graphic training in e-learning conditions


The definition of innovations in education and characteristics of philosophical, educational and pedagogical approaches to the definition of goals, forms and methods of e-learning in the Republic of Kazakhstan are given. The practice of graphic learning in the conditions of learning inculcation is shown



Nabi, Y.


Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық академиялық кітапханасы (Астана қ.)