
Izdeý nátıjelerі

The Bukharan School of Architecture in the 15th–17th centuries

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The Bukharan School of Architecture in the 15th–17th centuries [Text] : (Distinctive Features and Paths of Development) / M. A. Abbasova-Yusupova ; [scientific editor E. V. Rtveladze ; translated into English by C. Juddelson, the Edition of the English translation by E. Paskaleva] ; International Institute for Central Asian Studies ; Fine Arts Institute at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan... – Samarkand : International Institute for Central Asian Studies, 2022. - 359 p., ill.; . – Bibliogr.: p. 325-338. - Index of Proper Names: p. 343-359 . – 200 cop. – ISBN 978-9943-357-63-1

Taqyryptyq aıdarlar

Periods of architecture development. Bukhara region


In an interesting and accessible form, this book reviews the evolution and development patterns of the architecture of the Bukhara Oasis and the city of Bukhara during their heyday in the 15th–17th centuries



Abbasova-Yusupova, M. A.


Халықаралық Орталық Азия зерттеулер институты