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The Cities and Routes of the Great Silk Road (on Central Asia Documents)

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The Cities and Routes of the Great Silk Road (on Central Asia Documents) [Text] / Y. F. Buryakov Y. Yakubov K. M. Batpakov Kh. Tashbaeva ; [editor-in-chief A. Akhmedov] ; International Institute for Central Asian Studies. – .. – Samarkand : IICAS, 1999. - 126 p., ill.; . – Bibliogr. in footnotes . – [n. c.]

Taqyryptyq aıdarlar

The history of the caravan road of the Central Asian Countries


Present publication is focused on the history of the cities and urban cultures of the Central Asian Region on the Great Silk Road. Its authors have attempted to localize the ancient and medieval cities with the use of the new historical, archaeological and topographic data, as well as medieval written sources



Buryakov, Batpakov, Tashbaeva, Yakubov, Y. F., K. M., Kh., Y.


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