
Іздеу нәтижелері

Album of historical and cultural sites and places of pilgrimage of Kazakhstan

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Album of historical and cultural sites and places of pilgrimage of Kazakhstan [Text] / ; Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh Research Institute of Culture ; [author of the project T. Bekbergenov ; editor-in-chief A. Khazbulatov]... – Astana : [s. n.], 2018. - 495 p., ill.; . – Bibliogr.: p. 490 . – 100 cop. – ISBN 978-9965-23-487-3

Тақырыптық айдарлар

Historical and cultural sites of Kazakhstan


This publication is an illustrated Appendix to the map of cultural and historical sites and places of pilgrimage in Kazakhstan




Қазақ ғылыми-зерттеу мәдениет институты