
Іздеу нәтижелері

Tamerlane and the Jews, Тамерлан и евреи

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Tamerlane and the Jews = Тамерлан и евреи [Text] / M. Shterenshis ... – London ; New York : Routledge Curzon : Taylor&Francis Group, 2002. - 166 p., ill.; - На титульном листе имеется подпись-благодарность автора на русском языке . – Bibliogr.: p. 149-160. - Index: p. 161-166 . – [n. c.] – ISBN 0-7007-1696-3

Тақырыптық айдарлар

The History of the Jewish people in 1380-1405


This book provides a general introduction to the history of Jewish life in fourteenth-century Asia at the time of the ruler Tamerlane (Timur). After defining the origin of the Central Asian Jews, the author describes the attitudes towards them and the historical consequences of their relationship with Tamerlane. In founding an empire, Tamerlane had delivered Central Asia from the last Mongols and brought the nations of Transoxania within the orbit of Persian civilization



Shterenshis, M.


Түрік тарихы мен мәдениеті қоры (Тürktav)