
Izdeý nátıjelerі

The Sands of Oblivion

1 187

The Sands of Oblivion [Text] / Zh. Tursynbayev ... – [S. l.] : [s. n.], 2023. - [92] p. - Текст на английском языке. - Данная книга есть на сайте Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/sands-oblivion-Zhanuzak-Tursynbayev-ebook/dp/B0CJ57XBR4 . .

Taqyryptyq aıdarlar

Kazakh literature. Novels


The tale of the interweaving destinies of humans and the dog Ak Suyek unfolds. The main protagonist lives in a village and, due to various circumstances that have shaped his life, works as a simple shepherd. With his skill, particularly his boundless imagination that peers beyond the horizon, he strives to view the world around him and navigate through his harsh reality. Through this, he not only seeks to experience life but also endeavors to share joy with those around him



Tursynbayev, Zh.


Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық академиялық кітапханасы (Астана қ.)