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The Book of Government or Rules for Kings

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The Book of Government or Rules for Kings [Text] : The Siyasat-nama or Siyar al-Muluk of Nizam Al-Mulk / N. Al-Mulk ; translated from the Persian by Hubert Darke... – London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960. - 259 p.– (Unesco collection of representative works Persian Series. , – (Rare Masterpieces of Philosophy and Science Series. / edited by W. Stark- This book has been accepted in the Persian Translation Series of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) . – Index: p. 253-259 . – [n. c.]

Subject heading

The history of Ancient India, Ancient Egypt in 1037-1194


A translation of a classic 11th-century Persian text on behaviour and conduct in government, written between 1086 and 1091 by Nizam al-Mulk, who for over 30 years was Chief Minister of two successive rulers of the Seljuk, who had created an Empire which stretched from India to Egypt



Al-Mulk, N.


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