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The Nomads

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The Nomads [Text] : a novel-trilogy / I. Esenberlin ; [transl. from Russian by O. Chorakaev] .- Almaty : APPB , 2015.– 2000 cop. . – 978-601-7459-23-9, 978-601-7459-22-2 (HC) - Published under the "Publication of socially significant literature" program of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Қазақ хандығына 550 жыл . Book 1 . The charmed sword– 378 p. (HC) : 60 tg.

Subject heading

Kazakh historial novels


The trilogy of Ilyas Esenberlin is a multivolume, multifaceted work that reconstructs the history of the Kazakh people from the XV century to the mid XIX century



Esenberlin, I.


Алматы облыстық орталық әмбебап кітапхана